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Saturday, February 9, 2013
After uncertainty and frustration in 2012, I am pleased that 2013 is beginning auspiciously for my family and me.  In addition to the completion of treatments for my wife's illness, I have recently been hired by a new enterprise that is pioneering new technologies in renewable energy.  The lead project will be a small, offshore, commercial hydroelectric generating station that utilizes the flow of ocean currents and tides.

I have been retained in a creative, not managerial capacity.  I shall be the naval architect and industrial designer in the product development team.  The U.S. headquarters of the company is in Lakewood Ranch, which is in Florida's High Tech Corridor.  Our research consultancy is in Europe, so it will entail some international travel.  I am excited about the prospects for the future of the company and that I shall be able to play a role in developing this burgeoning technology.

The new position represents something of a personal redemption for me.  For most of my life, I have designed, engineered, and built yachts and and luxury accommodations.  Although results were often magnificent, they did squander significant resources for a select few.  I enjoyed the challenge of creating and coordinating the unique contributions that brought the projects to life.  Now, fate has handed me with a very different design and engineering challenge.  The success of this venture will result in the creation of carbon credits for good, old Mother Earth.  It will be nice to pay it forward for a change.